Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Reducing food waste could reduce GHG emissions

We need to answer the following questions to prove above statement

 Is wasting less food a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

About 11% of all the greenhouse gas emissions that come from the food system could be reduced if we stop wasting food. In the US alone, the production of lost or wasted food generates the equivalent of 37 million cars' worth of greenhouse gas emissions.
What is the relationship between food waste and heat trapping emissions?
Food waste also contributes directly to climate change. Most wasted food ends up in landfills, where the zero–oxygen environment turns organic matter — from bread to banana peels — into methane, a gas that traps about 30 times more heat than carbon dioxide over the course of a century.

How does cutting waste produce more food?

Saves money from buying less food. Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint. Conserves energy and resources, preventing pollution involved in the growing, manufacturing, transporting, and selling food (not to mention hauling the food waste and then landfilling it).

For more information on this subject please click following link
